
Hello my name is Prarthana. I know it’s a tough name to pronounce. The difficulty is because of the fourth letter r. So if you want to do yourself a favour just pronounce it Pra thana then we all will be happy. I’m 43 years oh well soon enough and I’m just a simple girl with a pleasant personality.

I have lived in Dubai for nearly 15 years and it has been a lovely time. When you move here specially from Asia suddenly life becomes very easy. There is affordability that I didn’t have before. Life is so different compared to life in Sri Lanka or at least where I come from. We didn’t eat out as much as we do here now. One thing about living in Dubai is that we are given the choice to eat at many restaurants sometimes way too many. 

As a student I loved writing essays and poems. Life took me in other directions and here I am fully occupied in the business world with very little time to spare. But they say a persons passion cannot be hidden for too long. I want to explore my ability to write and see where it take me. 

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